`•.☆.¸¸.☆.•´ 📢 SHIPPING UPDATE: Teas are currently shipping! 🌿 All plants and seeds will begin shipping on April 14th — thank you for your patience and support! `•.☆.¸¸.☆.•´

The Wendiland Story

Wendiland About Page
Wendiland provides organically grown herbs and low maintenance living decors to homes and workspaces since 2010.  Founder Wendi Phan took deep interest in gardening at a young age.  When she outgrew her outdoor space, she began to create for the indoors.  Plants are like an extension of her family -- they are given lots of love, nurturing, and nourishment so they can build a strong foundation to grow happily when they get to your home.  Wendiland also shares her passion through videos. Visit Youtube.com/Wendiland to be inspired!

In case you are curious, you can read what my customers are saying about Wendiland.

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Super Power of Lemon

This Fruit Might Save Your Trip To The ER

All fruits and vegetables have different super powers. Today I will turn the spot light to the lemon. Here's why! In the previous post, I had shared information about vegetables containing different amounts of oxalate. It is a natural compound found in plants. When there's a high amount of oxalate in the body, it can bind with calcium, forming crystals and eventually...
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Vegetables that should be eaten with caution

Vegetables That Should Be Eaten With Caution

Summer just arrived! For some home gardeners this is the prime time to enjoy our harvests. When it comes to growing greens, Spinach and Swiss Chard remain. being the popular choices of greens to grow. Spinach contain a range of nutrients such as iron, niacin, calcium...
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Eco Garden Expo

Eco Garden Expo Day

It was a gloomy morning, and a storm might be on its way said the weather app. Despite the rain might pour, the show must go on! I was invited to speak at the event so there was lots of space crowding props such as large plants to load before heading out...
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